Many song writers have used science as the inspiration for their lyrics. Some times you can only wonder at their scientific acumen and attraction towards to Blackholes and other celestial phenomena.
My list of Top 6 science related nonsensical lyrics.
6. Champagne Supernova - Oasis
Supernova is defined as the death explosion of a massive star, resulting in a sharp increa
se in brightness followed by a gradual fading. Champagne Supernova? No idea... you need to be writing under the influence (WUI) to come up with that! Or it could be some thing mundane like the yellow pages inspiring Chris Martin to come with the classic "Yellow".
5. Supermassive Black hole - MuseThis rock group from Devon has attained success with their unique mix of progressive rock and electronic sound. Front man Mathew Bellamy is known for his eccentric interests including global conspiracy, mars and apocalypse. Their latest album "Black Holes and Revelations" was a big hit. The first single "Supermassive black hole" claims
"(You set my soul alight)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive
Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole." 
Great song to listen to.. but the science? Surely absurd.
4. Mammal - They might be giants.
This American alternative rock duo are known for their science related lyrics.
"Mammal, mammalTheir names are called
They raise a paw
The bat, the catDolphin and dog
Koala bear and hog"Koala bear is a marsupial mate!
3. Final Countdown - EuropeSwedish Rock group wrote this famous song inspired by David Bowie's "Space oddity". Great opening rocker for their concerts.
The song goes.......
"We're heading for Venus
and still we stand tall
Cause maybe they've seen us
and welcome us all
With so many light years to go
and things to be foundI'm sure that we'll all miss her so"So actually how many light years to go to Venus? 6.01 light-minutes in fact!
2. Drops of Jupiter - TrainTrain won Grammy Award for best rock song for their 2001 single Drops of Jupiter.
"Now that shes back in the atmosphereWith drops of jupiter in her hair, hey, heyShe acts like summer and walks like rainReminds me that theres time to change, hey, heySince the return from her stay on the moonShe listens like spring and she talks like june, hey, heyTell me did you sail across the sunDid you make it to the milky way to see the lights all fadedAnd that heaven is overrated"Sail across sun... return from stay on the moon... with drops of Jupiter in her hair! Sublime nonsense!
1. Black hole Sun - SoundgardenChris Cornell is a rock god and pioneer of grunge music with one of the best vocal ability in the business. But he cannot escape the Black hole attraction either. His biggest hit with Soundgarden is the Black hole sun
"Black hole sunWont you comeAnd wash away the rainBlack hole sunWont you comeWont you come"
Black hole sun washing away the rain! Scientific absurdity surely cannot get any better than this.